Friday, January 9, 2009

You are now home from our offices; no doubt excited about your new contact lenses. You did great while you were here, now it's your turn. If you are staring at yourself in the mirror, trying to put that flimsy little piece of plastic on your eye, don't despair, you are not alone.

Remember, learning to put lenses on can be a frustrating experience for many. The good news is that It really is easy! (once you get the hang of it)

This may sound crazy right now, however after a week or so of wearing and handling your contacts you will see that putting them on is just as simple and usually quicker than putting on a pair of socks.

  • Dry your hands with a lint-free towel.
  • Have a mirror, if you need a good mirror, you will find a wide selection here.
  • Relax, it is ok to take a break if you find yourself getting frustrated. It can be stressful, learning to put on lenses, however, once you get the hang of it, handling lenses becomes extremely easy. So relax and have fun with it.

    Putting on Your Contact lens

  • The following directions are for a right handed person, if you are more comfortable using your left hand, please do so.
  • Balance the clean lens on your right index finger. All edges must be up.
  • Use your left hand to hold your upper lid open. Reach from overhead; gently hold your upper lid and lashes against your brow. If you don't have a strong tendency to blink you may not need to hold your upper lashes out of the way.
  • Use your right middle finger to gently hold your lower lid out of the way.
  • Move your chin down towards your chest, and continue to look in the mirror (so your eye is looking upward towards the mirror).
  • You should now have an upward glance. Notice all the white of the eye that is exposed when this position is held correctly.
  • Gently place the lens between the lids and on the eye. The lens can be placed anywhere on the eye at this point.
  • Don't force the lens on. Keep your eyes open and stay relaxed.
  • The lens must clear all your lids and lashes, so when it reaches the eye, it is still properly balanced on your finger.
  • Once on the eye, gently slide the contact towards the cornea (over the colored area of your eye)
  • Don't close your eyes yet! Your almost there.
  • Slowly take your finger straight back, keeping your eyes open.
  • Gently let go of your lids, look downward towards the floor.
  • Slowly close your eyes.
  • Open your eyes and see clearly
  • This is the Way of Putting Contact Lenses in Your Eyes.

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